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Journal Papers
- Zhang J, Chen X, Khan A, Zhang Y-k, Kuang X, Liang X, Taccari ML , Nuttall J. Daily runoff forecasting by deep recursive neural network. Journal of Hydrology. 2021;596(126067.
Conference Papers
- Taccari ML. Study upon the possible influence of animal burrows on the failure of the levee of San Matteo along the Secchia River. 2015.
- Taccari ML, van der Meij R. Investigation of the influence of animal burrowing on the failure of the levee of San Matteo along the Secchia river. EDP Sciences. p. 19001.
- Taccari ML, van der Meij R. Study of the effect of burrows of European Badgers (Meles meles) on the initiation of breaching in dikes. EDP Sciences. p. 03001.
- Taccari ML, Zwanenburg C. Large scale triaxial compression tests on three peat samples from Eemdijk, the Netherlands. 2019.
- Taccari ML, GVTFSEAS. Resilience of Road Embankments Under Changing Climate: A Numerical Study.
- André René Koelewijn, Taccari ML , VMvB. A field experiment with fibre optics detecting groundwater flow and piping behind a summer dike.
- Pasqualini M, Taccari ML. Monitoring and Forecasting of saddle dams and main dam on Bhadra reservoir (India). ….